Red Ribbon Week 2022 | Trinity Lutheran School Event
‚Celebrate Life. Live Drug Free.
Trinity Lutheran School’s Red Ribbon Week will be October 24-28 2022.
Red Ribbon Week, the nation‚s oldest and largest drug prevention program, will be celebrated by Trinity and many other schools in the nation. This year‚s theme is¬†Drug Free Looks Like Me‚Ñ¢.¬†During the week, all students will be reminded of the danger drugs can do to God‚s temple of the body.
Faculty, staff, and students will be participating in special activities (organized by our Student Council) which will show our commitment to raising awareness to the dangers of drugs within our community and to educate our youth and encourage their participation in drug prevention activities.
Monday: ‚Drugs were never cool!
Decades Day: wear neon (80‚s), tie-dye (70‚s) or dress in decade‚s fashion.
Tuesday: ‚HUGS not Drugs‚
Bring in your favorite stuffed animal!
Wednesday: ‚We CAN say no to drugs‚
Bring in a can of food for the Tinley Park Food Pantry.
Thursday: Turn your BACK on Drugs‚ Anything but a Backpack Day!
Bring your books, folders, etc. to school in anything but a backpack. Try something creative like a bucket, basket, box, cereal box, cooler, pet carrier, pillow case. Be sure to set size and safety limits. Kids have been known to come to school with shopping carts and baby strollers.
Friday: We are ‚RED to be Drug Free!¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†¬†
Wear as much RED as you can from head to toe.
The class with the most red worn will win a sweet treat
for snack on Monday, October 31st.