Advent Worship Services
Join us for one of our midweek Advent worship opportunities!
Services every Wednesday at 1:30pm and 7:00pm on December 4th, December 11th, and December 18th.
In this Advent series of worship, we welcome the Christ Child, who is the Light of the world, arising in our lives this season. In celebration, we, in turn, shine with the light of Christ in various ways for all the world to see the brightness of his love. Each week will focus on a different aspect of the light of Christ and how we are enlightened by him throughout our lives. The theme verse for the entire series is: “Arise, shine, for your light has come. (Isaiah 60:1) Hymns in the series include “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” “Arise, O Christian People,” “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns” and “Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates.” 
Week 1 (December 4): Rising Light (Isaiah 60:1): 
o Living in the light of Jesus, we prepare to celebrate his birth. Repenting 
of our sins, we put away the works of darkness and dress in the armor of light. 
Week 2 (December 11): Reflected Light (Zechariah 9:16): 
o During Advent we remember the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world. 
We reflect his light in our daily lives. 
Week 3 (December 18): Eternal Light (Daniel 12:3): 
o We look forward to Jesus’ Second Advent, when we will be raised in 
glory to live in his presence and shine like stars forever. Come, Lord Jesus!